Ramganga Nagar bareilly

Ramganga Nagar Awasiya Yojna’s Sector 3 spans an area of 266786 square metres. promoted by Vikas Pradhikaran in Bareilly. There are 1153 plots of varying sizes total in this sector. The smallest plot in this area is 36 square metres, followed by those measuring 60, 72, 112.50, 162, 200, and 288 square metres. Limited plot registration is now open in this sector. Residential plots in the sizes of 112.50 square metres, 162 square metres, and 288 square metres are for sale. Loan for a plot from HDFC Bank. Amber Khand is the name of this sector. Residential, commercial, and public utility plots are all present in this sector..

Registration will start from 26th December to 25 January 2023 . Application from PNB Rajendra Branch Bareilly . I am uploading Map of Sector 3 in PDF Format . You Can Download it from here .

Sector 4 Complete Map of Ramganga Pariyojna Bareilly

Map of Sector 4 Ramganga Awas Yojana Bareilly
Map of Sector 4 Ramganga Awas Yojana Bareilly
क्या रामगंगा नगर आवासीय योजना में प्लॉट लेना चाहिए ?

रामगंगा नगर आवास योजना बरेली विकास प्राधिकरण की परियोजना है। बहुत ही ऑर्गनाइज्ड तरीके से डेवलप हो रही है। अलग अलग सेक्टर में बंटा हुआ है। सुख-सुविधाएं भरपुर है। रामायण वाटिका, निधि वन, साइंस पार्क, होटल, अस्पताल, एसटीपी, नालिया सब मिलेगा। आज से पांच साल बाद 45000 का प्राइस होगा यहां पर।

Sector 5 Map of Ramganga Pariyojna Barielly

Sector 7 Map of Ramganga Nagar Bareilly

Sector 8 Map of Ramganga Yojana Bareilly

Sector 8 map of Ramganga nagar bareilly city
Sector 8 map of Ramganga nagar bareilly city

Sector 10 Map of Ramganga Pariyojna promoted by BDA Bareilly

Plot Loan HDFC .

Plot loan Available from HDFC Bank . one can avail 80 % of Plot Cost subject to eligibility . Please do call me for Plot loan on 9716443322

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